In the passage (the story of Naboth, who refuses to put his inheritance up for sale), we see a few groups, which are in every society:
1. The Pivotal force - like Naboth - remnant believers with sound doctrine, who have backbone, convictions, don’t compromise, live by principle, and stand up for truth, against wicked authority, at great personal cost.
2. The Princes of this world - like king Ahab - they are promoted by Satan as pawns, but allowed by God to rule. Their heart is in the hand of the Lord and we should pray for them because they can be influenced for good or evil.
3. The Pernicious wicked influencers - like Jezebel, these are evil, infectious, energized peoples, often behind the scenes, like Haman, who are not only wisked themselves, but try to spread it to others in power.
4. The People - like those that had Nabal killed, those who fall like dominoes with a letter from Jezebel. They wander around like sheep having no shepherd and these masses can be swayed easily. Jesus did not trust Himself to the masses because He knew what was in them. They are fickle, and generally simple, “not knowing their left hand from their right”.
5. The Preachers - like Elijah - Spirit filled messengers of God, preachers, evangelists, on fire believers who are called by God, under the authority of God, on the mission of God, with a mystery to them, can’t be predicted, get words from their Father, speak the word with authority and conviction that resinates in the ears of this world’s people and leaders. The salt of the earth, they highly frustrate Satan’s purposes, because though He may kill some, others keep popping up all over the place and are totally destructive to His progressive purposes.